I've always loved reading. There is so much to learn from books, and the environment they take you to is almost magic. I choose books that look interesting to me, not what the majority is reading. I don't read many "classics" because the books I read for school cover that area. Here's what I've finished so far. Let me know of any suggestions!
1. The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
2. Under the Dome - Stephen King
3. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - Stephen King
4. Artichoke's Heart - Suzanne Supplee
5. Firestarter - Stephen King
6. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake - Aimee Bender
7. Divergent - Veronica Roth
8. Life As We Knew It - Susan Beth Pfeffer
9. Blueprints for Building Better Girls - Elissa Schappell